Friday, March 14, 2008

Blogger Video Help VS Blogger Read A Billion loose end files

Well blogger is going to give us video Help!   Will it better than Billions of line of type that range from  the -0 page of ten words or or a page with Billions of line and winds up with not enough information?


Alan said...

Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog. My father also received the Vietnam service medal for his duty in the navy while on an aircraft carrier in the Tonkin Gulf in 1964-1965. I received mine less than a decade later.

On my list of things to buy are the Derwent pencils. I am new to making my own art for the most part that are lots of things I want to try. Now if I just didn't have to go to that pesky time consuming job...............

Alan said...

I actually have it pretty good for work conditions. I live in Portland, Oregon. I work out of the company office/manufacturing facility (they call them profit centers) in Atwater, California. Our company and the bigger corporate offices are in Houston, Texas where when I need to use our building design programs I log into the server in Texas. I put together pricing for the required steel in construction projects that our sales group then gives to our customers. Basically I work from my basement office at home and am connected to the wider world via the internet, phone, and fax. The job would be fine if it weren't for the fact I am always under a gripe