Sunday, May 11, 2008

Photos- the last ones! Mother's Day!

Mother's Day!

Here are photos of my Mother and Her Mother. They are the last that I have before their deaths.
My GrandMother was at her highest weight of Her life. Her face was smooth and less wrinkled than I had ever seen.
Even, as a very small child Her face was terribly wrinkled from working in the sun Pulling corn and hoeing crops.
It was a hot day in May, it was my youngest college graduation and Birthday! This is the last time I would
see both my Parents together. My Mother had dyed Her hair a bright white without blueing as you see in my GrandMother's hair. As Mother and Daughter they conflicted with each other on how to rear children, religion, work, clothes, My GrandMother was on Her death bed when Her daughter came home.

Love to All! ((( Circle of Mother's Day Hugs )))


1 comment:

Diana Moses Botkin said...

I miss my grandmother, too.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!
