Saturday, January 6, 2007

Organizing Knitting Projects

I finally have the yarn for a New Project. All of the threads are new on the market. I am lucky to have Windsor Button Store.
It is the only place that the owners and staff really go out of their way to see that you have all the correct brands.
They order the yarn for you. It would be so much easier for the WBS to suggest a different 'in store' available yarn.
Even though I am altering the pattern to accommodate my problem with wool- Allergic!
It is a project of memories.
I also, got these great packages with roping that allows them to act as backpacks. I took all of my projects and dated them.
I have stored them in my project closet. This gives me a great deal more room to work.
I am having a great day in the finishing of both shawls.

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